Friday, December 21, 2012

Can Big Data be trusted to represent frontier market populations?

This week, at the WorldBank’s Big Stats meeting , they discussed the need for governments to look closely at how big data can be applied to official statistics. Big data allows for quick results that provide really interesting answers that come out of questions asked of unstructured questions. On the other hand, official statistics take sometimes years to compile, are often out of date, but are usually trustworthy.

But what happens when you look at frontier markets? Does big data still have the same appeal, since so much of it is dependent on tracking through social networks accessible by only some of the population?

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Why do we trust Facebook with our data more than the government?

Do you trust Facebook more than the government? Facebook openly knows a lot about you, and much of it is information people would never report to the government. Don't believe me? Sign up for Wisdom on Facebook, and then do a data search using the Wisdom network: what you will see is an annonymized version of the info Facebook knows about you and

Monday, December 10, 2012

Making sense of CX, UX, and HCD

Every industry has its acronyms, and stakeholder experience is no different. I focus on CX (Customer, or Stakeholder Experience), but how does this relate to UX (User Experience), and the one probably best known in frontier markets, HCD (Human Centered Design)?

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Remote monitoring adds potential to track results for a great experience

There is a great post on that summarizes recent advancements M-health teams in frontier markets are making in what they call "remote monitoring". But tech firms have already learned that tracking key performance indicators and not considering customer focused quality indicators only gets half of the story needed to make lasting improvements. More after the jump.